Thinking is critical in a thriving, progressive learning community. However, we cannot assume that just because we are delivering a robust curriculum, that we are teaching our students to think.
At Victoria Road Primary School, we have accessed high level professional learning through Harvard University, to enable us to create a “Culture of Thinking” across our school community. It is our belief that teaching individuals to think is only part of creating a Culture of Thinking. In creating this culture, we are promoting the collaboration and collective thinking that helps groups of humans investigate their surroundings, solve complex problems and possess a real appreciation for the intricacies of our world.
In class, we investigate the curriculum alongside our students with an instructional model that includes a range of thinking routines. These routines are selected to promote a variety of thinking modes which are identified by the teaching team as appropriate for the circumstances. This deliberate approach to promoting and developing thinking in our classes has resulted in students who are excited by complex challenges, possess thoughtful language with which to approach discussions, and ask relevant, analytical question in order to find out more.
Our open plan classrooms support our thinking culture by providing a flexible approach to teaching and learning. Collaborative spaces provide the ability to transition from one way of working together to the next. These spaces inspire thought, wonder and considered interactions with peers and colleagues.